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韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口 韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口 Structure of Panel Packaging Products


韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口 韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口 Panel and Products of SIPLP Microelectronic


韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口 韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口 Advantages of SIPLP’s Advanced Packaging Technology

●Bumping/Copper Pillar middle process is not needed.    

●Thick Trace can support bigger current.    

●Able to realize 6-side protection and the reliability reaches MSL1. Especially suitable for automobile electronics.    

●Thinner than FC (no substrate or lead frame)    

●No Bumping, unnecessary Reflow, seamless connection, better product performance and higher reliability.    

●Smaller parasitic effect    

●Smaller on-resistance RDSon    

●Flexible technology. Especially suitable for MCM multiple chips packaging and power module packaging    

●Able to make Copper Clip PQFN and can realize double cooling.    

●Especially suitable for embedded passive device of power package, multiple chips package and module package.    

●EMI shielding Anti-electromagnetic interference    

●One Panel one Lot    

●More suitable for the packaging of the third-generation semiconductors such as SiC and GaN.


韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口韦德亚洲(中国区)官方网站入口 SiPLP Packaging Way and Main Application Fields












